Writing is an exercise in design.

Academic Publications

  • Racial & Ethnic Studies

    For Ethnic & Racial Studies I wrote an article detailing the cultural transmission mechanics that lead to stable ethnic group boundaries in plural societies, even in the presence of persistent and significant inter-ethnic marriage.

  • Field Methods

    While in Mauritius, I conducted a number of surveys. Conducting surveys in developing countries generates unique challenges, explored for Field Methods.

  • Consolidating the Rainbow

    For an edited volume on Mauritian sociology and political -economy, I examined how the current governance system perpetuates ethnic conflict.

Popular Writing

  • Le Mauricien

    For the Mauritian daily paper, Le Mauitian, I wrote an article deconstructing the electoral system known as Best Loser, using a fictitious story. The story was later republished in illustrated form.

  • Afropedia

    II wrote over 200 signed articles for the Encyclopedia of Africana or Afropedia, working with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Kwame Appiah.

  • Vision

    For the Mauritian economics journal Vision, I wrote an article exploring the drag that ethnic alliances created for the economy.